
ADMINISTRATION: Tetrem is administered by two sets of leadership who work hand-in-hand to manage the day-to-day operations of the town as well as implement provisions in the town’s strategic development plan. The first set of leadership is the Chief, Nana Osei Kwame II and his elders made up of the linguist (Opanyin Kwame Afreh), Gyaasehene (Nana Anane), Krontihene (vacant) and the “queen mother”. The second set of leadership is about six to eight executive members of the Unit Committee elected by the District Assembly. The Chief and his elders exercise authority and power over land and development issues, social events, culture and traditions whereas the executive members implement policies of the government as they relate to community facilities and services. Revenues for development are obtained from housing development levies, funerals and other social fines. Tuesdays serve as market days as well as a special day for communal labor by adults in the town.