WATER: Drinking water in Tetrem is obtained through twelve (12) non-mechanized bore holes concentrated in the eastern portion of the town. Because the boreholes are not mechanized, there is no aeration or chlorination and therefore can be contaminated. With some of the bore holes frequently unable to produce enough quantities during dry seasons, residents travel long distances to fetch water from outlying streams like Akyekyeresu, Abankro and Kootano. These streams are frequently polluted with human waste that travels downstream to the places where town inhabitants use the water.
HOUSING: There are over 300 inhabited homes in the two basic housing areas of the town – “old town” and “new town”. The old town consists of six communities namely, Petenyinase, Aboaso, Besease, Bonkaso, Behinase and Zongo. Majority of houses in the old town are constructed with red mud using aluminum and thatch roofs. Most of the thatch roofs are in the “Zongo” area. Those in the new town area are constructed with blocks using galvanized aluminum roofing. As expected, the houses in the old town are in need of major repairs requiring reroofing, new painting, plastering and other forms of face-lifting. Erosion control is a serious problem affecting foundations of buildings to the point where homes are seen to be “pitched up high” making them vulnerable for destruction by strong winds or heavy rains.
ELECTRICITY: Electric power is supplied by the Barekese dam with one transformer supporting the needs of the town and its environs. Like many towns in Ghana, life is disrupted by intermittent supply of electricity, sometimes residents going for several days with no electricity. There are no street lights but a few isolated public lights needing constant care.
@ffctot We invite all of you to be part of our official launch tomorrow. #fishfmonline #yeresom #oman #futureleaders #tetrem #kwabrenorth #daakye @madam kate @Quadwo Tunchi @Manassa💫
@ffctot We Humbly invite all PROUD TETREM natives to follow us and make our dear town a better place. Tyere is no where like your hometown. #healthyliving #tetrem #tetremman #osec #oseitutuseniorhigh #otumfuooseitutuii @madam kate @Quadwo Tunchi #CapCut